Building the Future at Harbourview District

Happy New Year from Harbourview District! As we embark on 2024, we’re excited to share the remarkable progress at Lumina, our beacon of modern living.

Recent Achievements:

Our team has successfully completed the final concrete pour for the parkade floor, setting a robust foundation for Lumina’s growth. The construction has reached new heights with the scaffolding for the parkade roof in place, marking the commencement of an exciting new phase. The fifth-floor walls, especially on the west side, are now up, unveiling increasingly spectacular views with each level.

Holiday Momentum:

Over the holidays, our dedicated crew made significant strides, particularly with the fifth-floor systems. The fourth floor’s interior framing is shaping up nicely, inching us closer to realizing the Lumina dream. The building’s exterior is now securely wrapped in Tyvek, ensuring resilience against the winter elements.

Looking Ahead:

Have you seen the breathtaking view from the fourth floor yet? It’s a glimpse of the stunning vistas Lumina residents will enjoy. As we continue our journey in 2024, we’re grateful for your support and enthusiasm. Lumina isn’t just a construction project; it’s the birth of a vibrant community.

Stay updated with the latest from Lumina: follow us on Facebook and Instagram for behind-the-scenes looks and exciting progress reports. Join the conversation and watch as Lumina transforms into a cornerstone of Harbourview District.

Here’s to a groundbreaking year at Lumina!